Zora Event in Eatonville, FL
Zora Event- Attending the CAAR- Conference in African American Research with Dr. Deborah Plant, Dr. Trudier Harris, Dr. Ruthe Sheffey and...

JV's Foundation 2 Day Conference
It was such an honor to attend this event. I had the opportunity to meet many mayors from the World Conference of Mayors and the talk...

Book Available for Private Sale
My book has been revised for private sale on Amazon. My company was recently made a non-profit organization and the full unrevised...

Florida Medical All-Stars Expo
Anita Vincent will be the keynote speaker at the October 2018 Florida Medical All Star Expo

A Failing Healthcare System
The United States of America is amongst the prosperous nations in the world with adequate democracy and a high living standard that most...

Stacey Abrams For Governor-The Minority Leader
Stacey Abrams could very well be America's first black female governor. I was grateful to have the opportunity to meet Stacey Abrams and...

Bridge The Gap w/Lucas McCurdy and Josh Crisp
I was honored to receive the special invite to attend the Disrupters Dinner with Bridge The Gap during the annual Interface Senior...