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Is Vincent Career Training Institue Accredited?

No. Vincent Career Training Institute is not an accredited institution recognized by the U.S Department of Education. Many of our programs are recognized by state or national certification boards and allow our students to sit for state or national exams. Vincent Career Training Institute does not offer vocational programs. We are professional development and continuing education organization and are exempt in most states.


Will my training or certificate be recognized or accepted by employers?

Each employer sets standards or requirements for training requirements. However, many will require credentials to be authentic and issued by colleges, universities, or organizations with the authority to do so. Vincent Career Training Institute is registered with many state and national organizations. Please refer to our Membership & Affiliations Page for more information. 


How do you calculate clock hours for CEU's?

Vincent Career Training Institue represents training in clock/contact hours. A clock hour is defined as a 60-minute span of time, with no less than 50 minutes of actual class instruction. Students will be given breaks that represent sound educational practices. No more than 1.0 clock hours will be assigned to any discrete 60-minute period.


All hours of instruction represent the length of the full program which includes lecture, laboratory, and externship/internship (if any).


Is federal financial aid or loans available?

No. Vincent Career Training Institute does not offer federal financial aid or loans. We offer affordable tuition and interest-free payment plans. We accept loan payments from private banks and institutions, and employer payments.


What is your refund policy?

If Student Withdraws within 5 Calendar days of enrollment/signing of this Agreement,  the student will owe $0 (100% Refund)


After 5 Calendar days :


If the student has not submitted any lessons

The student will owe Non-Refundable Fees + Registration

If the student has submitted at least one lesson, up to and including 10% of the lessons

The student will owe Non-Refundable Fees + Registration Fees + 10% of Tuition

If the student has submitted more than 10% of the lessons, up to and including 25% of the lessons

The student will owe Non-Refundable Fees + Registration Fees + 25% of Tuition

If the student has submitted more than 25% of the lessons, up to and including 50% of the lessons

The student will owe Non-Refundable Fees + Registration Fees + 50% of Tuition

If the student has submitted more than 50% of the lessons

The student will owe Non-Refundable Fees + Registration Fees + 100% of Tuition

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